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Informacje o producencieInformacje dotyczÄ…ce produktu obejmujÄ… adres i powiÄ…zane dane producenta produktu.ITD Collection
Osoba odpowiedzialna w UE
Osoba odpowiedzialna w UEPodmiot gospodarczy z siedzibą w UE zapewniający zgodność produktu z wymaganymi przepisami.
Rice decoupage paper
Decoupage paper - unprinted
size: 148x210 mm (A5) / 5.85x8.27 in (+/- 2 mm), weight: 45 g/m2
Colour: natural white, monochromatic. Paper is a little rough on one side, and smooth on the other. Pleasant to the touch, very soft. Perfect for printing. It contains randomly oriented irregular fibers, giving the decorated object an original look.
Rice deocupage paper is ideal both for beginners and advanced hobbyists! It is easier to work with comparing to classical paper or napkins. Perfect for decorating glass and other surfaces: wood, mdf, polystyrene foam. Our paper sticks easily with use of any glue. Still hesitating what type of paper to use in your decoration? Choose the best one - rice paper. Paper dedicated for napkin technique (Serviettentechnik).
The rice paper for decoupage does not need any previous preparation. Just glair it and stick.
Each part should be torn away from a sheet, and not cut with scissors. The irregular edge of the rice paper is really easy to hide on the surface of the decorated object. Final work should be sealed with multiple coats of varnish.Â